One Step at a time...Solar power for monkey sanctuary
To create the Vervet Forest (a release site and forever protected wildlife habitat) takes a lot more than just purchasing land for monkeys. First we need to be able to sustain the Vervet Monkey Foundation and have all in place at the sanctuary. In South Africa, we often have trouble with power failures and load-shedding which is becoming more frequent. One of the steps we can take towards ensuring the sanctuary remains sustainable is by installing solar power at the Vervet Monkey Foundation. This will mean the monkeys continuous safety inside the electrified enclosures, full access to use of microscope, laboratory, surgery equipment, heat lamps, hot water, fridges for medicines and lighting. Solar power will ensure we use less of the earth's resources and save on costs each month.
Last year with your help we were able to maintain a permanent supply of water for the first time instead of driving truck loads in every day. With power outtages, it can be challenging at a sanctuary and not something people usually think about unless you live in this part of the world. This particular fundraising initiative will involve creating a personal story where you have overcome a challenge, either a chronic illness or something in your personal life you would like to share with others. The story will then be connected to a challenge one of the monkeys at the Vervet Monkey Foundation has overcome such as illness, trauma, accident or ex-pets struggling to socialise with their own kind.
The final step of this fundraising project is to say how you overcame that challenge and leave a message to inspire others. Walk as far as you can representing to push through and overcome those challenges, in turn collecting donations for the walk which will help the sanctuary overcome the challenges of power and also get us one step closer to creating a release site for the monkeys called Vervet Forest.
Please take the time to read each person's inspiring personal and monkey stories on the right hand side under 'fundraisers' and donate to the challenge that resonates best with you or that you find inspiring.